I am not a baker


I don’t really like baking truthfully. I like some of it I suppose, making caramels is fun, but what really I’m not convinced. What really made me realize I don’t like to bake is that I left cookie dough already made up (by me) in my fridge for 2 weeks and it just starred at me, and I starred back at it. Eventually it was too rock solid to even roll out (not like I really attempted) so I tossed it.
If anyone can give me a good reason as to why they like baking so much please be my guest so I can start using all my baking pieces I have so neatly organized. bundts, cake, piping, etc. Any baking recipe I would gladly appreciate. As for right now I’m happy being a cook.


=Anyone that enjoys drinking espresso, lattes, cappuccinos, what have you. Please do yourself a favor and get yourself one of these machines instead of going to Starbucks every day and forking over $4+ surriously…surriously.

I’ve had mine for about two years now and can’t get enough and it is still working like a charm. It’s fast and only about $0.75 every time I want one of these pick me ups. The best thing about it too is that I can add as much or as little foam, and make my own natural sugary additions at home.

The debate between a traditional espresso machine and one of these guys will continue for the purists, but for half the cost of a good manual espresso machine and half the amount of space it takes up the Nespresso does a bang up job.

Buying this….

will make you this, without the line.



cozy winter

I bought this freshly cut wreath at the grocery store the other day purely because they smelled so good I couldn’t pull myself away from them, but realized I had to because walker-bys were starting to give me odd looks.

I kept debating if I really wanted to spend $$ on something I could go to the woods and get (I did this last year, this year I’m lazy).

I wrapped it in butcher’s twine, took old corks, a necklace, and hair clip and called it a day…I may go back to readjust and add more corks once I deplete more of my wine cabinet.

As of now I’m just happy I can smell this every time I come and go from the house.

I also did a little rearranging on my  coffee table. I keep my favorite bronze pieces that I got in Mystic on my table all the time.

I love the little whale’s smile.